Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mens Suits

We seem to live in an overly casual society bent on creature comforts. Tradition unfortunately is suffering on many fronts. One of those fronts happens to be menswear. In the good old days you would almost never see men out in public wearing t-shirts and jeans. You would see the proper dressed gentleman wearing suits and hats. Mens suits should never go by the waste side because there is simply nothing else that garners the respect of others than wearing mens suits. A suit is the matching garment that makes a man look like someone worthy of respect. Mens suits have always been proper attire that is used in serious halls of conducting business seen worldwide in banks and corporations. Would you even consider hiring a lawyer wearing a tied dyed t-shirt. Of course not, unless you are suicidal and wish to lose your case big time. Wearing mens suits will always be the way a serious business man who commands respect dresses ignoring some modern high tech companies who scoff proper attire. Then again software writers usually work out of their house wearing their pajamas, but I don't think they will consider dressing like that out in the work force. Mens suits may subtlety change year in and year out but message of wearing a suit stays the same.

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