Sunday, February 20, 2011

Zoot Suits

In the world of suits, there are suits for business, suits for special occasions,suits for funerals and suits for letting your hair down fun. For having fun with no consideration for the serious, that is where Zoot Suits come into mind. You see,  the zoot suit was originally a statement against society and wanting to do your own thing. Zoot suits were a counter culture statement long before of the counter culture that we're familiar with from the late 1960s. Now zoot suits are simply something fun to wear to theme parties and swing dance parties as well. Having fun has long been known for alleviating stress and wearing a zoot suit and prancing around will be extremely fun indeed. Since wearing a zoot suit these days is not for the serious, you can have fun with the color coordination as well. you can wear bright colors or just stick to black and white. You can wear one of those big pocket watch chains and swing it  around like the Daddyo that you always wanted to be. The rule with zoot suits is there are no rules so have your fun and party.

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