Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mens Fashion Suits

We all know that all suits are not created equal. There are different qualities and price points as well as style. We also know that there are some suits that you just don't wear to work. I'm talking about an office environment full of politics and business. I'm talking about Mens Fashion Suits. Mens fashion suits are usually high fashion suits that sit at the top of the style food chain. You usually see men wearing them in Cities and down South as well. They are suits that don't fly by general convention. The jackets may be longer in length than a basic suit, emulating a Zoot Suit. You may see a fashion suit in a color that you would never see a business suit made. Something bold and bright like Red or Royal Blue. There really aren't any restraints when it comes to the styles of Mens Fashion Suits. The suits only stay in style for about a year and after that they are out of style. That is big difference compares to regular style Men Suits because those you can usually wear for 5 to 7 years before they start to look dated. Mens fashion suits usually have new styles twice a year. For the Spring and for the Fall. You will see different styles come out with new fancy trim or contrasting colors. You may see the suits have new fashion colors that weren't being made before or a new fashion pattern that becomes the New It Suit. That is what makes fashion suits so much different than a business suit stuck in Navy and Gray. This year a hounds tooth pattern may be the huge new style and next suit season it's plaid of some sort. You may see shiny metallic sharkskin as the new fashion suit fabric and being available in different colors and styles and then the next year they are gone. That is how the Mens Fashion Suit world works. Nothing ever stays the same except change and by change, I mean the styles, colors and patterns of the suits.

Last year you started to see fashion suits with wide lapels on whole number of styles of suits. The lapels had a distinctly rounded shape to them instead of just a straight wide lapel. The length of jacket also changes every year in mens fashion suits. This year 33-34 length suit jackets are fashion length while longer jackets of the 37-38 inches long were from 4 years ago. They change almost like ladies hemlines on their skirts. The number of buttons on fashion suits also can change. 5-7 buttons were very big a few years ago but now you can hardly find them. This particular season you'll see generally 3-4 buttons on the suit jacket. So if you're of the bold personality persuasion and appreciate the attention you get from the clothes you wear, Mens fashion suits are just the style you need in your wardrobe to take it to the next level.

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